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Genealogy Quotes

I wish I had realized that family history is a perishable commodity. It disappears with time, as memories fade, and as loved ones pass on. I wish I had known that the most important aspect of family history is preserving a record of the present for the future. — Guy Black

"Those who forget their past are destined to repeat it." — Robert A. Heinlein

History remembers only the celebrated, genealogy remembers them all. -- Laurence Overmire

In all of us there is a hunger, marrow-deep, to know our heritage- to know who we are and where we have come from. Without this enriching knowledge, there is a hollow yearning. No matter what our attainments in life, there is still a vacuum, an emptiness, and the most disquieting loneliness. Alex Haley

Every family has a story that it tells itself, that it passes on to the children and grandchildren. The story grows over the years, mutates, some parts are sharpened, others dropped, and there is often debate about what really happened. But even with these different sides of the same story, there is still agreement that this is the family story. — A.M. Hames

The thing that interests me most about family history is the gap between the things we think we know about our families and the realities. – Jeremy Hardy

Old men and women in the village are books of history and wisdom.

The Chosen

We are the chosen. In each family there is one who seems called to find the ancestors. To put flesh on their bones and make them live again. To tell the family story and to feel that somehow they know and approve. Doing genealogy is not a cold gathering of facts but, instead, breathing life into all who have gone before. We are the story tellers of the tribe. All tribes have one. We have been called, as it were, by our genes. Those who have gone before cry out to us: Tell our story. So, we do. In finding them, we somehow find ourselves. How many graves have I stood before now and cried? I have lost count. How many times have I told the ancestors, "You have a wonderful family; you would be proud of us.". How many times have I walked up to a grave and felt somehow there was love there for me? I cannot say. It goes beyond just documenting facts. It goes to who I am, and why I do the things I do.



Meet Our Family

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Our Pages

The links to Pinterest, Facebook, Tribal Pages and Flickr are all connected with Genealogy/ family history. Pinterest & Flickr has death, birth & marriage records and newspaper clippings. And, Facebook, (not my main one) has old family photos, and photos of ancestors just send a request, if not already added.

My Email is MarsFlower819@yahoo.com , which is in the contact us section, but I wanted to put it here as well. Just put the Subject Line as Family Website, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you:)

Discover Our Family

Myrtle Ellen Griffith Thompson

She was kind, but wouldn't take no crap. She loved to trick and pick you about things. She loved butterflies, and always smelled wonderful. She had incredible hugs. She was tough and brave, and not afraid to stand up to someone. She was very protective of the people she loved, especially her grandkids. She was somehow able to fix any material item that broke. Whether that was gluing it exactly the way it was, or sewing something back, she was so freaking awesome and amazing at it. She was a one of a kind person and the world is a darker and lesser place without her in it.

David Robert Thompson

He was a retired Coal Miner from different mines in West Virginia. Not only that, but he preached in the church for several years in WV and in NC. He always liked to joke around, tease, and play small tricks on people. He loved to go four wheeler riding any chance he got to.

Herbert Earl Thompson

Herbert Earl Thompson, or better known as "Pap" to his family loved to play cards almost as much as he loved cheating at them. He was such a sore loser when lost a round. Pap was missing his left thumb, he chopped it off with an axe when he was a little boy. He would never tell us exactly how old he was when it happened, but based off some of the pictures he was young. He loved his camel smokes and his Stroh's beer.

Hattie Irene Goff Griffith

She had several five generation chains in the family. She spent her days sewing. Hattie loved everyone who entered her door and was loved by everyone she met.

The Bones of My Bones

The bones here are bones of my bone and flesh of my flesh. It goes to doing something about it. It goes to pride in what our ancestors were able to accomplish. How they contributed to what we are today. It goes to respecting their hardships and losses, their never giving in or giving up, their resoluteness to go on and build a life for their family. It goes to deep pride that the fathers fought and some died to make and keep us a nation. It goes to a deep and immense understanding that they were doing it for us. It is of equal pride and love that our mothers struggled to give us birth, without them we could not exist, and so we love each one, as far back as we can reach. That we might be born who we are. That we might remember them. So we do. With love and caring and scribing each fact of their existence, because we are they and they are the sum of who we are. So, as a scribe called, I tell the story of my family. It is up to that one called in the next generation to answer the call and take my place in the long line of family storytellers. That is why I do my family genealogy, and that is what calls those young and old to step up and restore the memory or greet those who we had never known before. 'It goes to a deep and immense understanding that they were doing it for us. It is of equal pride and love that our mothers struggled to give us birth, without them we could not exist, and so we love each one, as far back as we can reach. That we might be born who we are. That we might remember them. So we do. With love and caring and scribing each fact of their existence, because we are they and they are the sum of who we are. So, as a scribe called, I tell the story of my family. It is up to that one called in the next generation to answer the call and take my place in the long line of family storytellers. That is why I do my family genealogy, and that is what calls those young and old to step up and restore the memory or greet those who we had never known before.' by Della M. Cummings Wright; Rewritten by her granddaughter Dell Jo Ann McGinnis Johnson; Edited and Reworded by Tom Dunn, 1943.

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Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them.” ~George Eliot

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